About Me
So This Is My Why
Host & Producer
Hey everyone!
I’m Ling Yah, ex-lawyer turned full-time host for the So This Is My Why podcast + LinkedIn personal brand strategist.
Born and raised in the City of Cats (aka “Kuching”) in the island Borneo in East Malaysia, I now work as a lawyer in Kuala Lumpur – the capital city of Malaysia.
Staying static has never been my thing. Whether it’s:
- learning a new thing – running a podcast!
- going on adventures – e.g. Mario go-karting in Tokyo, glacier hiking in Iceland or journeying up to Everest Base Camp when COVID-19 turned into a global pandemic (which I write about in my travel blog here); or
- meeting new people to learn about their stories – what motivates, inspires and moulded them into the person they are today.

But really....
Why did I start this podcast?
Because of one question: Who am I?
And by that extension: What do I want to do? What is my “why” & that does that even matter?!
I quickly realised that I wasn’t alone. Many of my friends and colleagues felt the same. Call it a millenial midlife crisis if you want, but the struggle is real.
But I also knew that for as many people struggling to answer that question, there were others who had found it. Or were closer to it than most.
Whether that was by through a lightning bolt moment or a gradual realisation, they had found that thing made life worth living. A thing that can sometimes be summarised into one word: Purpose.
And I wanted to know how they had done it.
Expect candid discussion on topics like:
- finances – how much does a Hollywood stunt actress earn when she first starts out? Or a freelance artist who knows no one in the industry?
- dealing with doubts and disapprovals, especially when in your childhood when your classmates decide to gang up against you for being “different” (aka intellectually brilliant);
- how to gather a diverse group of strangers together to create some of the most epic, fantasy-driven, tie-a-model-to-a-shipwreck-in-Bali; and
- forge an unconventional career despite receiving criticisms from everyone close to them?
These are all questions that we deal with, and more, each week. With fresh episodes released every Sunday.
What’s Next?
If you’re new to the So This Is My Why podcast, head over HERE to learn everything else you need to know about:- the podcast
- the guests featured, and
- how you can get involved with the So This Is My Why community.
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