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Welcome to the So This Is My Why podcast
Welcome to the So This Is My Why podcast!
A podcast featuring inspiring people from all over the world about their “WHYs” and how they made that a reality. A snippet of what you can expect to hear on this podcast can be found in the trailer episode here.
Who am I?
I’m Ling Yah, the host and producer for the So This Is My Why podcast. As a lawyer by training, I’m on a mission to, well, find my why!
To learn more about me & why I started this podcast, CLICK HERE.

Who Gets Featured in the Podcast?
People with a fascinating story, an unconventional career, have achieved incredible success or maybe all three! The main factor is that they are willing to be open about what it’s really like to do what they do.
Not just the glamour, the fancy Forbes headlines and big-figure deals that might draw everyone in – though we talk about that too! – but the human story behind all that.
Questions like:
- What was your childhood like?
- What/who influenced you to do what you do?
- What were your first days on the “job” like?
- How did you begin to build your new life?
- How did you support yourself?
- Did you ever want to give up?
- How can someone with a similar passion to yours, follow in your footsteps?
P/S: We’re always open to suggestions to guests on the podcast. If you’d like to nominate someone – we don’t accept self-nominations or people nominating their fellow colleagues/where commercial interests involved – CONTACT ME HERE.
MICE Principles
All STIMY Podcast interviews have been modelled after the MICE Principles, which are:
Inspiring you to live your best life
Creating a community of people bound by a mutual desire to pursue their purpose & never be satisfied with mediocrity
Educating you on HOW to pursue your why. It’s one thing to say that you’ve identified your why, but how do you begin? How do you make a 360 degree pivot into an unconventional career when you don’t even know anyone? How do you fund yourself? How do I network with the right people?
Ready to start listening?
Click below to listen to inspiring stories from all over the world: find out who they are & their exact steps to becoming the person they are today (and how YOU can turn your own whys into realities)!

It takes an average of 60 hours to produce each STIMY episode.
Which is a lot of work!
So we’re always open to support.
If you’d like to support what we do at STIMY for as little as $0.10/day, please do! We’ll be working to share special exclusive things just for those who are kind enough to support our work!
Join the STIMY mailing list & be the first to learn about upcoming episodes & submit your questions for future guests to answer!

P/S: Contains exclusive STIMY updates that you won’t elsewhere!
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I READ EVERY REVIEW! And might also give you a shout out in a future episode 😉