A podcast featuring interviews with inspiring people about their journey to discovering & living their why, so that you can do the same!

Wong Ling Yah - So This is My Why Podcast Episode 100 featuring Red Hong Yi as guest interviewer
Ling Yah - So This is My Why Podcast
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About Me

I’m Ling Yah, the host & producer of the So This Is My Why podcast. 

Born & bred in the City of Cats  in Borneo, I worked as a lawyer for ~10 years while running a small travel blog & the So This Is My Why podcast. 

Now I’ve left the legal industry! I am currently in my Year of Yes, where I explore different passions while running STIMY – including STIMY Hangouts & live interviews – and helping corporate clients building their LinkedIn personal brands.

To find out more about who I am & why I started this podcast (+ my journey of discovery, which you can follow via the weekly STIMY newsletter), click below!

So This Is My Why - Host & Producer in Busan, South Korea

What Will You Get Out Of This?

- 01


you to find your WHY. 

- 02


you to live your BEST LIFE.

- 03


creating a community of people bound by a desire to pursue their passion in life & never be satisfied with mediocrity

- 04


Learning HOW to pursue your why. It’s one thing to say that you’ve identified your why, but how do you begin? How do you fund yourself? Network with the right people?

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